Monday, April 7, 2008

Cue the music...

Below is Commissioner Ken’s acceptance speech after being crowned the Bestest Picker for 2008. I offer it with the following disclaimer. Should you feel the need to exit his remarks prior to their conclusion, cue the music and break into your favorite song. Might I suggest Andrew’s favorite, God is so good.

In the tally below, you will see we have something to pick for tonight. There are several pickers bunched up and the losers will have to endure a lot of bragging for a whole year. Pick wisely and remember to include the margin of victory with your pick.

Happy Pickin’

Commissioner Ken’s prepared remarks...
I want to thank my mom, my dearly departed dad, my beautiful wife, my lovely daughter, my very successful son, all my grand children, my friends from grade school, high school, college, my business associates, my golfing buddies, my bowling buddies, my Tuesday morning coffee group, my Monday noon golf foursome, my Wednesday men's group, my Thursday Minnesota fishing group, my Friday study group, all the widows who bake me pies and cakes, my doctor who teaches me how to loose the weight brought on by the widow's cooking, my therapist who successfully saw me through the Mary Beth crisis and last but not least all those good friends from Indiana who allow me to compete in the pick-em contest. I also want to thank the young friend from Pekin who went fishing with me without whom I could have never landed that huge catfish from the farm pond. It's just such a thrill that I can hardly refrain from becoming emotional. It reminds me of watching Shane leave on that old horse or the dogs who are buried where the red fern grows. I can hardly wait for next year. Could it be that the Red Sox will make my joy complete by winning again? Euphoria!

It has to be said...
I have known Ken for over 20 years. When I first met him, he was a LA Dodger fan. Okay, we can still be brethren I told myself. Several years later I discovered he was now an Arizona Diamondbacks fan. I told myself Ken must have seen the light and repented. It wasn’t perfection but Ken was still a work in progress. I prayed for him. Two years ago I discovered that Ken now claimed to be a LIFE-LONG Boston Red Sox’s fan. That good friends is blasphemy!

What might you ask is the common denominator for all of this waffling? It seems Ken has hatred in his heart, hatred for the New York Yankees. And has backed any team that has beaten the Yanks which does happen occasionally. Please pray for Ken. BTW, is Shane a horse thief who killed a bunch of dogs with poinsettia leaves? I’m confused.

Good luck this week at the Master’s Ken. Say hello to Tiger.

Back to the standings...

Ken 49
Amber 47
Mary Beth 46
Tim 46
Kevin 45
Ame 45
Rhonda 44
Lori 44
Matt 43
Deborah 42
Courtney 42
Mark Hein 42
Mitch 42
Carrye 41
Mark Maudlin 41
Brooke 40
Kathy 37
Logan 37
Andrew 31
Jonathan 31

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